Opening hours

Vikingabyn Storholmen is open to visitors for a few weeks in summer and at special events in spring, summer and autumn. You can also book a group visit any time of year.


Information about the village

  • The museum and surroundings

    Storholmen is an Archeological Open Air museum, beautifully located on a peninsula in the large lake Erken. Storholmen has several houses, constructed after archeological methods. A large viking hall, 24…

  • Storholmen Viking association

    Storholmen Viking association, connected to the Viking village Storholmen Arhcaeological Open Air museum/Storholmen Viking village, is run by a non profit foundation. Connected to the museum is also a voluntary…

  • Voluntary work

    In summer people from all over the world gather in the Viking village to work together. Most people you will meet here comes from the Storholmen Viking association, others are…